Magento Adobe Commerce Magento Simple Reward Points Extension 1 ANOWAVE 0 9 7 7 1 1 Magento 2 ™ €49.90

Magento Simple Reward Points Extension

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Magento Simple Reward Points Extension

Lifetime updates + Free support till 26 July, 2025 if purchased today.
One time payment €49.90
No recurring payments, no crazy pricing

This simple yet powerful reward points extension for Magento will allow store owners to give their customers ability to gain points by doing what they already do in the store i.e purchasing products.

The extension provides tools for defining multiple gaining and spending rules, ability to add or deduct custom points from customer's account and more.

Simple Reward Points extension for Magento: loyalty program/ customer reward program with loyalty point/ reward point

Read Overview below for more information.

IMPORTANT: Reward points systems can be very diverse and include a wide range of features. Read carefully what you can do with this extension and confirm it satisfies your needs before purchase. We do provide personalized support too.


Anowave's Magento Simple Reward Points extension is a Magento extension which allows store owners to provide their customers with ability to earn points by purchasing products.

Unlike other similar extensions packed with tons of features, this one is including only the essential features of a reward point system.

It is orientied for small stores and/or developers looking for base extenstion to upgrade and evolve into larger one.

Key features

  • Allows customers to gain points upon product purchase
  • Allows customers to spend points upon product purchase
  • Allows setting custom gain points per product
  • Support for gaining and spendin
  • Easy to use
  • Does not overwrite existing files
  • Does not override blocks, controllers and other custom code
  • Works on default and custom Magento themes as well
  • No monthly fees

What you can do

The extension allows store owners to

  1. Define multiple point gaining rules based on catalog products (CatalogRule)
  2. Define multiple point spending rules based on shopping cart options (SalesRule)
  3. Add points to customer balance manually
  4. Substract points from customer balance manually
  5. Access to transaction log to monitor the reward points transactions
  6. Turn on/off reward system directly from admin

Gaining rules

A multiple point gaining rules can be defined via intuitive interface very similar to Magento's promotion module. By defining a gaining rule you can choose how many points customer can gain based on products in his cart. See below sample scenarios which can be achieved via rules

Ex. 1

  1. Create a new rule called "New order"
  2. Allow customers to gain "+1 point" for each new order
  3. Limit maximum points earned to 10

Ex. 2

  1. Create new rule called "New order +5 bonus points for Puma shoes"
  2. Allow customers to gain "+5 points" for each product from category "Puma shoes"
  3. Limit maximum earned points to 10

Ex. 3

  1. Create new rule called "New order +5 points for CPU I73360"
  2. Allow customers to gain "+5 points" for product with SKU equal to "I73360"

Gaining rules can stack with each other, thus if we assume the 2 examples before customer can gain total of 6 points per product if product is in category "Puma shoes"

In Ex. 3 the rule will apply for a single product with particular SKU defined in the rule itself. Again rules can be combined to match several rules at once or none of them.

Spending rules

A multiple point gaining rules can be defined via intuitive interface very similar to Magento's promotion sales module. By defining a spending rule you can choose how many points customer can spend upon order. See below sample scenarios which can be achieved via spending rules

Ex. 1

  1. Create a new rule called "New order 1$ Fixed discount"
  2. Allow customers get a fixed amount of discount i.e $1 for every 1 point the decide to spend

Ex. 2

  1. Create new rule called "New order 1% discount"
  2. Allow customers get a 1% percent amount of discount i.e 1% for every 1 point the decide to spend

Spending rules can also be combined and defined depending on cart conditions such as:

  1. Subtotal
  2. Total items quantity
  3. Payment method
  4. Shipping method
  5. Shipping country
  6. Shipping region
  7. Shipping postcode

and more.

User transactions

The extension allows store admin to keep track of user activity with regards to reward point gaining and spending action. It features an AJAX enabled filter.


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Latest version

Demo instructions

  1. 1) Open our demo installation
  2. 2) Login with username: demo and password: demo
  3. 3) Go to Anowave Extensions-> Rewards -> Gaining rules
  4. 4) Define a new gaining rule or edit existing one to review options
  5. 5) Go to Anowave Extensions-> Rewards -> Spending rules
  6. 6) Define a new spending rule or edit existing one to review options
  7. 7) Go to frontend located at
  8. 8) Login with
  9. 9) You should see updated layout with reward points next to each product including checkout
  10. Make a test order to review point gaining and spending. Please note that the customer should have some points to spend in order to review the point spending process i.e slider control to adjust points etc.

All our products come with a 6 full months (180 days) of premium support. To report a bug, use our Premium Help Desk available in your account at Anowave.

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User Guide & Documentation


This extension can be installed in a few minutes, by going through the following steps:

  • Download/purchase the extension
  • Unzip the file in a temporary directory
  • Copy folder "app" and paste it in your Magento installation root directory. This extension will NOT replace existing code.
  • Go to your admin panel and clear cache. Hit refresh on any of your Magento pages and you're done.

Now: Next:

Extensions for Magento

Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.

The extensions we offer are part of our full-range Magento service, which also includes a Premium Helpdesk where customers can speak with actual software engineers and have their issues resolved without hassle. Premium-labeled modules also include free installation, configuration, testing, etc.