Magento Adobe Commerce Magento Product Price per Customer Pro 2 ANOWAVE 0 9 7 7 1 1 Magento 2 ™ €49 90

Magento Product Price per Customer Pro

  • In Stock
  • Price:
  • €49 90
  • SKU:
  • Premium product
  • Customer choice

A Pro version of our Magento Price per Customer extension enabling robust customer pricing solution.

It allows for creating customer specific pricing including fixed product price per customer, price discount per customer, multiple tier price discount, price prioritisation, ability to specify date range for custom price to apply, customer price and discount per category and more.

The extension also supports an advanced SOAP v2 (WS-I) Compliant API to allow for remote administration and pricing automation.


The Pro version requires the base extension installed first. See Overview for more information.


Magento Product Price per Customer extension must be installed first in order to successfuly run Magento Product Price per Customer Pro.


Magento Product Price per Customer Pro extension allows store admin to define custom product price for each customer separately. It allows you to attract your loyal customers with individual pricing, individual discounts, global price discount and more.

Key features

  • Set individual customer product fixed price
  • Set individual customer product price discount
  • Set global discount in % for entire product catalog per individual customer
  • Set individual customer price per category. Allows you to set individual customer discount for all products in particular category. NEW
  • Create multiple customer prices for single product
  • Create and apply multiple tier discounts for single product
  • Automatic price prioritization
  • Advanced SOAP v2 (WS-I complient) API
  • Hide price for guests, non registered users and visitors
  • Replace price with custom message for guests, non registered users and visitors
  • Turn on and off on demand directly from your admin panel
  • Intuitive inteface
  • Easy to use
  • Featuring AJAX based product selection directly in customer's edit screen in Magento store admin.
  • Works also for orders created via admin interface. NEW
  • Suitable for connecting Magento with ERP systems through SOAP. It supports a WS-I Compliant API interface.
  • Does not overwrite existing files
  • Does not override blocks, controllers and other custom code

Intuitive interface

The extension provides easy and intutitive interface for adding custom prices quickly. It provides AJAX enabled interface to reduce page refresh and improve user experience. You can assign price directly in customer's edit screen in your Magento administration panel. See Fig. 1

Fig. 1


To better understand what you can do with this extension installed, review a few scenarios below.

Scenario 1 - Fixed % discount for particular customer for particular product

  1. Assume you have a product named Puma Shoes with price of $200
  2. Assume you have a customer named John Doe
  3. You can assign a 10% discount for Puma Shoes applicable for John Doe only
  4. When logged in, John Doe will see price of $180 for Puma Shoes, while all others logged in or not, will still see price of $200

Scenario 2 - Fixed discount for particular customer for particular product

  1. Assume you have a product named Puma Shoes with price of $200
  2. Assume you have a customer named John Doe
  3. You can assign a fixed cost for John Doe for Puma shoes at exactly $100
  4. When logged in, John Doe will see price of $100 for Puma Shoes, while all others logged in or not, will still see price of $200

Scenario 3 - Tier price discount

  1. Assume you have a product named Puma Shoes with price of $200
  2. Assume you have a customer named John Doe
  3. Assume that you have a tier price which allows John Doe to purchase Puma Shoes at cost of $180 if quantity is higher then one.
  4. You can assign a 10% discount for John Doe for Puma Shoes product. 
  5. When logged in, John Doe will be able to purchase Puma Shoes at price of $162 if quantity is higher then one. In effect the discount applies for the tier price too.

Scenario 4 - Global % discount

  1. Assume you have a VIP customer John Doe who makes a lot of purchases on your site. You can surprise him by enabling 10% global discount for all products available in your store.
  2. You can assign a % discount (i.e 10% in this scenario) to John Doe
  3. Individual discounts applied with the extension will still apply as they are with higher priority compared to global discount applied.

Scenario 5 - Multiple Tier price discount

  1. Assume you have a customer and a product with standard price of $2000 and tier price as follows:
    Qty 2 and above - 1900
    Qty 3 and above - 1800
    Qty 4 and above - 1700
  2. You can assign 5% discount for Qty 3 and above
  3. You can assign 10% discount for Qty 4 and above
  4. The extension allows you to assign a fixed cost or discount per tier quantity and in effect have a customer specific tier price.

Scenario 6 - Apply customer specific price within date range

  1. Assume you have a customer and want to provide him/her with 10% discout for particular product around Christmas
  2. You can assign 10% discount and adjust date range for which the discount should apply.

SOAP v2 API (WS-I compliant) - Remote price administration

Magento Price Per Customer extension extends the Magento SOAP v2 (Including WS-I compliance mode) API by adding it's own methods for remote price administration. It allows you to create individual customer price and/or price discount remotely using SOAP v2 API calls.

Via SOAP you can:

  1. 1) Create individual customer price
  2. 2) Update existing customer price
  3. 3) Delete individual customer price
  4. 4) Delete all customer prices
  5. 5) Create multiple tier price discounts
  6. 6) Retrieve existing customer prices
  7. 7) Retrieve a list of defined global discounts
  8. 8) Create customer specific global discount
  9. 9) Delete customer specific global discount

Refer to documentation for more information regarding API calls.

WS-I Compliance

The SOAP API provided by the extension is WS-I compliant which means it can be used by .Net, Delphi, Java based applications and modules. It's designed to allow remote administration for ERP systems etc. See Fig. 2

Fig. 2

Magento platform version
User experience,Conversion rate
Latest version

This extension can be evaluated online on our staging servers. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We'll be happy to clarify things for you prior to making a purchase.




P/W: demo/demo
Passkey v.1: demo




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User Guide & Documentation


This extension can be installed in a few minutes, by going through the following steps:

  • Download/purchase the extension
  • Unzip the file in a temporary directory
  • Copy folder "app" and paste it in your Magento installation root directory. This extension will NOT replace existing code.
  • Go to your admin panel and clear cache. Hit refresh on any of your Magento pages and you're done.

Working with the extension

Once installed the extension will automatically allow you to set individual customer price.


To enable extension go to System -> Configuration -> Anowave Extensions (Tab) -> Customer price configuration

Follow the instructions on the screen to configure your extension.

Adding customer individual product price

To add individual product price for specific customer follow the instructions below

  1. 1) Go to Customers -> Manage customers
  2. 2) Click Edit on any of your existing customers
  3. 3) Select "Custom prices" from the left side navigation
  4. 4) Click "Select product" and select the product for which you need to sepcify custom price for this user
  5. Select "Price type". Currently Fixed price and Discount are supported. If you select Fixed price then the extension will use this price for this customer for this product. If you select Discount then the extension will apply the specified discount in percentage (0 - 100%) for this product for this customer.
  6. Click Submit
  7. The new rule will appear automatically below in a section called Current prices. The extension is AJAX based and your screen will update automatically without refreshing the page.
  8. In the version you cannot edit existing price rule, but you can replace it with new one quickly.

Creating global discount

To create a global for specific customer follow the instructions below

  1. 1) Go to Customers -> Manage customers
  2. 2) Click Edit on any of your existing customers
  3. 3) Select "Global discount" from the left side navigation
  4. 4) Enter discount amount in percent between 0 and 100
  5. 5) Select data range in which the discount will apply
  6. 6) Save customer

Displaying customer specific tier prices

By default Magento will not display the customer specific pricing in the product detail page. For this reason the extension is equipped with additional block to allow you to show customer pricing as well.

In order to display prices, edit app/design/frontend/base/default/template/catalog/product/view.phtml and place the code below anywhere in the file: 

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('summary') ?>

Tip: We recommend placing it right after <?php echo $this->getTierPriceHtml() ?> call.


Advanced SOAP v2 (WS-I compatible) API - Remote price administration

To administer individual pricing remotely, use a standard SOAP calls to Magento's SOAP API. The following methods are available:

  1. 1) apiCreatePrice - Allows you to create individual customer price

    Example: (Create a 12% discount for user with id 17 for product with id 1)

    $client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/mage/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
    $session = $client->login('user', 'pass');
    $client->apiCreatePrice($this->session, 17,1,2,0,12, array(10,11), 10, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));

    $session - Active SOAP login session
    (int) $price_customer_id - Existing customer id
    (int) $price_product_id - Existing product id
    (int) $price_type. Allowed values 1 (Fixed price), 2 (Discount in %)
    (double) $price - Fixed product price
    (int) $price_discount - Discount (0-100)
    (array) $price_category_id - Array of category ids
    (int) $price_tier_quantity - Tier quantity
    (date) $price_valid_from - Apply price from date
    (date) $price_valid_to - Apply price to date
  2. 2) apiDeletePrice

    Example: (Delete individual price for user with id 17 for product with id 1)

    $client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/mage/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
    $session = $client->login('user', 'pass');
    $client->apiDeletePrice($session, 17,1);

    $session - Active SOAP login session
    (int) $price_customer_id - Existing customer id (Optional)
    (int) $price_product_id - Existing product id (Optional)
  3. 3) apiGetPrices

    Example: (Get all available prices)

    $client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/mage/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
    $session = $client->login('user', 'pass');
    $client->apiGetPrices($session, 1);

    $session - Active SOAP login session
    (int) $price_customer_id - Specify customer id (Optional)
  4. 4) apiCreateDiscount

    Example: (Create global customer discount)

    $client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/mage/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
    $session = $client->login('user', 'pass');
    $client->apiCreateDiscount($session, 1,15.43);

    $session - Active SOAP login session
    (int) $price_global_customer_id - Specify customer id
    (float) $price_global_discount - Discount
    (string) $price_global_valid_from - Valid from date
    (string) $price_global_valid_to - Valid to date
  5. 5) apiDeleteDiscount

    Example: (Delete global discount)

    $client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/mage/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
    $session = $client->login('user', 'pass');
    $client->apiDeleteDiscount($session, 1);

    $session - Active SOAP login session
    (int) $price_global_customer_id - Specify customer id
  6. 5) apiGetDiscount

    Example: (Get global customer discount)

    $client = new SoapClient('http://localhost/mage/api/v2_soap/?wsdl');
    $session = $client->login('user', 'pass');
    $client->apiGetDiscount($session, 1);

    $session - Active SOAP login session
    (int) $price_global_customer_id - Specify customer id

Now: Next:

Extensions for Magento

Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.

The extensions we offer are part of our full-range Magento service, which also includes a Premium Helpdesk where customers can speak with actual software engineers and have their issues resolved without hassle. Premium-labeled modules also include free installation, configuration, testing, etc.