Magento Adobe Commerce Magento Owl Carousel 2 ANOWAVE 0 9 7 7 1 1 Magento 2 ™ €19 90

Magento Owl Carousel

  • In Stock
  • Price:
  • €19 90
  • SKU:
  • Premium product
  • Customer choice

Magento Owl Carousel extension allows you to use the amazing Owl Carousel in your Magento store without coding at all.

You can create and manage from your Magento admin unlimited number of carousels and carousel slides, place them in different places in your Magento store including standard pages, product detail pages, categories, homepage and more.


Magento Owl Carousel extension allows you to use the amazing Owl Carousel within your Magento store without coding at all. It creates an admin interface to manage multiples carousels powered by Owl Carousel.


Key features

  • Based on Owl Carousel
  • Support for Owl Carousel 1
  • Support for Owl Carousel 2 (Beta)
  • Fully responsive carousel
  • Unlimited carousels
  • Unlimited carousel items
  • Ability to create, edit and delete carousels
  • Ability to create, edit and delete carousel items
  • Ability to configure carousel options directly from admin panel
  • Does not rewrite existing blocks, code, controllers etc.
  • No monthly fees.


How it works

Watch a short video in Full HD on YouTube to understand how the extension works. It's available at -


Why Owl Carousel?

As a JS developers we've seen a lot of carousels out there, however one really stands out - The amazing Owl Carousel.

It's lightweight, touch enabled, fully responsive, suitable for any type device starting from desktop computers to all mobile devices.

Checkout some of the Owl Carousel features below:

  1. Fully Customisable
    Over 60 options. Easy for novice users and even more powerful for advanced developers.
  2. Touch and Drag Support
    Designed specially to boost mobile browsing experience. Mouse drag works great on desktop too!
  3. Fully Responsive
    Almost all options are responsive and include very intuitive breakpoints settings.
  4. Modern Browsers
    Owl uses hardware acceleration with CSS3 Translate3d transitions. Its fast and works like a charm!
  5. Zombie Browsers
    CSS2 falback supported for older browser.
  6. Modules and Plugins
    Owl Carousel supports plugin modular structure. Therefore, you can dettach plugins that you wont use on project or create new ones that fit your needs
Magento platform version
User experience,Conversion rate
Latest version

All our products come with a 6 full months (180 days) of premium support. To report a bug, use our Premium Help Desk available in your account at Anowave.

Customer review(s)

Purchased Magento Owl Carousel

Useful extension not bloated with unnecessary stuff. We used it in a couple of our projects and it's working as expected.

Yes, I recommend this product

Purchased Magento Owl Carousel

A bit limited in terms of configuration but certianly value for money. Works well and fits our needs. Giving 5 star for the excellent support we got from Anowave.

Yes, I recommend this product

Note: By submitting a review you agree to our Terms and Conditions.

User Guide & Documentation


This extension can be installed in a few minutes, by going through the following steps:

  • Download/purchase the extension
  • Unzip the file in a temporary directory
  • Copy all folders and paste them in your Magento installation root directory. This extension will NOT replace existing code.
  • Change write permissions to folder media/slider and media/slider/cache to allow extension to upload files.
  • Go to your admin panel and clear cache. Hit refresh on any of your Magento pages and you're done.


Add Owl carousel to specifc pages


Adding Owl carousel to any page requires 2 important steps:

  1. 1) Update owl.xml located in app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/owl.xml
  2. 2) Update page layout to include Owl Carousel


Add Owl carousel on all pages


  1. 1) Create a carousel + slides first
  2. 2) Go to System -> Configuration -> Anowave Extensions -> Owl carousel and set "Render automatically" to "Yes"
  3. 3) One pt. 2 is done, set select Default slider to show from the new dropdown shown on page
  4. 4) Save configuration


Add Owl carousel to specific CMS pages via widget


  1. 1) Go to CMS -> Pages and edit desired page
  2. 2) Click "Insert Widget" and select "Owl caserousel", then select desired slider
  3. 3) Save page


Updating owl.xml

Owl.xml contains important information regarding layout updates within your Magento installation. It tells Magento where to attach the Owl carousel code.

Sample file contents below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
        <reference name="root">
            <block type="owl/render" name="owl" template="owl/render.phtml">
                <action method="setData">

To change the carousel, update <value></value> tag and set your desired carousel id.


Updating page layout

To render the Owl carousel into any page, edit it's layout and add the following code:

<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('owl') ?>

When all of the above is complete, the Owl Carousel should render properly in the specified location.


Now: Next:

Extensions for Magento

Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.

The extensions we offer are part of our full-range Magento service, which also includes a Premium Helpdesk where customers can speak with actual software engineers and have their issues resolved without hassle. Premium-labeled modules also include free installation, configuration, testing, etc.