Magento Adobe Commerce Magento 2 Customize 2 ANOWAVE 0 9 7 7 1 1 Magento 2 ™ €79 90

Magento 2 Customize

  • In Stock
  • Price:
  • €79 90
  • SKU:
  • Customer choice
  • Customer choice

Adds ability to customize some features in Magento 2 such as "Add to Cart" button for each product separately. It provides a way to achieve better 'call-to-action' buttons and customize "Add to Cart" button for specific products only.


Adds ability to customize some features in Magento 2 such as "Add to Cart" button for each product separately. It provides a way to achieve better 'call-to-action' buttons and customize "Add to Cart" button for specific products only.


Key features

  • Adds ability to customize "Add to Cart" button
  • Add to Cart button can be customized for each product individually
  • Ability to replace button with modern SVG version (scalable vector graphic)
  • Ability to replace "Add to cart" button with text showing selected configurable options NEW
  • Has a fallback to default button text.
  • Does not rewrite existing blocks, modules and controllers.
  • Does not add additional product attributes.
  • Does not modify existing attribute sets.
  • Does not require additional loaders, decoders and software to operate normally.
  • No monthly fees.


Magento platform version
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Latest version

All our products come with a 6 full months (180 days) of premium support. To report a bug, use our Premium Help Desk available in your account at Anowave.

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User Guide & Documentation

Installation from Command Line (Recommended)

This extension can be installed in a few minutes, by going through the following steps:

  • Download/purchase the extension
  • Unzip the file in a temporary directory
  • Copy directory contents and paste it in your Magento installation root directory. This extension will not replace existing code or file structure
  • Enter the following at the command line:

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy (only if site is in production mode)

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Extensions for Magento

Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.

The extensions we offer are part of our full-range Magento service, which also includes a Premium Helpdesk where customers can speak with actual software engineers and have their issues resolved without hassle. Premium-labeled modules also include free installation, configuration, testing, etc.