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Cross links for Magento 2. Converts keywords and phrases into clickable links allowing customers to access relative content in your store. Works as a smart tagging solution for Magento 2.
This extension for Magento 2 is a great way to link your products and pages by using keywords. It will search for keywords in the content of a product or category page and will replace them with links to another product, category or page thus exposing intuitive and relative content for your customers.
All our products come with a 6 full months (180 days) of premium support. To report a bug, use our Premium Help Desk available in your account at Anowave.
This extension can be installed in a few minutes, by going through the following steps:
If you need to upgrade the database, run the following command line:
php -f bin/magento setup:db-schema:upgrade
Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.
The extensions we offer are part of our full-range Magento service, which also includes a Premium Helpdesk where customers can speak with actual software engineers and have their issues resolved without hassle. Premium-labeled modules also include free installation, configuration, testing, etc.