Products that cover the topic Magento 2 Contact Forms Builder

Custom contact forms for Magento 2


Potential customers often have a lot of questions and having a proper contact point for for pre-sale communication in an online store is mandatory. Default Contact Us form in Magento 2 is quite limited and does not provide a lot of flexibility in terms of fields, display, behavior and more.

For that reason, we have created this amazing Contact Forms Builder for Magento 2 extension that adds this missing flexbility in the platform. It's an extension for Magento 2 that allows to you to create unlimited number for contact forms and put them anywhere in the store including product details pages, CMS pages, any CMS template, basically anywhere.

Since contact forms need flexibility, we decide to built the entire logic on top of the Magento's EAV model. Being based on that model, the extension allows you to create any type of form fields starting from simple text inputs, to dropdowns, radios, checkboxes, multi-selects and more.


Forms & form fields

You can create unlimited forms and each form can have unlimited fields. To create a form field, you need to first create an attribute using the interface provided by the extension. Creating a form attribute is the same as creating a product attribute, you have the same options, same config etc. All attributes are listed in separate section in admin panel (see below)


Add New Attribute Actions 3 records found (2 selected) Filters Default view Columns Attribute code Default label Required System Visible your_name Your name No No No your_email Your email No Yes Yes your_address Your address No No Yes your_feedback How did you hear aboutus? Yes No Yes


Adding fields to form

Once you've defined your fields, then you can create a form and assign these attributes to the form to create the fields itself. You can add as manu fields in the form as you want, you can pick their order of appearance and choose from number of options such as form name, recipient (multiple recipients are supported), native reCaptha support and specific template to use.

Save Contact Form Save and Continue Edit Reset Back FORM OPTIONS Form Options Fields Fields Select form fields Field Your name Your email How did you hear about us? Add new field

Adding custom contact form in product detail page

With the module installed, you can edit any of your existing products and pick a form to display on frontend. If a form is set, the extension will automatically display the form on product detail page in tabs or directly depending on your design configuration


Adding custom contact form in standard CMS pages

The module comes with a built-in widget that allows you to add any of your custom forms in your CMS pages using the 'Insert widget' menu. It's a simple widget with dropdown, where you can select what form to render in the page.


Form submission

Custom forms created with the module are AJAX enabled, this means that validation and submission is handled without page refresh. Customers are presented with clear confirmation that form has been submitted. The success message can be customised in the extension.


All these features are part of our great Magento 2 Contact Forms Builder extension.

Extensions for Magento

Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.

The extensions we offer are part of our full-range Magento service, which also includes a Premium Helpdesk where customers can speak with actual software engineers and have their issues resolved without hassle. Premium-labeled modules also include free installation, configuration, testing, etc.