Conversion Adjustment vs. Conversion Enhancement in Google Ads API


Google Ads API is a powerful tool that can be used in multiple ways and in this article we shall discuss the difference between Conversion Adjustment and Conversion Enhancement in Google Ads API.



Conversion Adjustment is a special operation that can be done using Google Ads API allowing you to make adjustments to already recorded Google Ads conversions. Via Conversion Adjustment you can adjust the conversion should the conditions chance. Usually a conversion is recorded when an order is placed however orders may fail at later point, be cancelled or deleted and it is important to adjust the original conversion to match those new conditions.

There are 2 types of adjustments possible:



This type of adjustment is used when value of the conversion needs to be adjusted to better match the real value of the business. For example a partial return would require reducing the conversion value to match the profit of the order. Restate type allows you to change the conversion value, but not the count of conversions. Only the Conv. value and All Conv. value columns and ROAS bid strategies will be affected.



Unlike restate, the retract type allows you to make the conversion no longer countable e.g. in case of a returned purchase or fully cancelled order. Retract allows you to permanently remove a conversion and change the conversion value to 0.00 and remove it from the conversion count. Conv., Conv. value and All Conv. value columns will be updated and CPA and ROAS bid strategies will be affected.



We call it enhancement but this is in effect a conversion adjustment operation with type ENHANCEMENT. Such adjustment can be executed withing 24 HOUR period ONLY after the original conversion and it allows for attaching enhanced conversion data to the conversion action. Enhancement data includes transaction_id and also optional hashed user data such as email, first name, last name, country code and postname.

Note that such adjustment must be done within 24 hour period time, this is really important. Otherwise Google Ads API will ignore the request



For store owners running Magento 2, we have added a Google Ads API support in our Google Analytics 4 extension for Magento 2 which allow you to make these adjustments with the click of a button directly from your Magento 2 admin panel.


Check out a ready extension for Magento 2 - Google Analytics 4 (GA4) GTM Extension

Extensions for Magento

Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.

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