Products that cover the topic Magento 2 Direct add to cart from external link

Add products to Magento 2 cart from link


In some situations, you'd like to generate a link with products that if clicked, will redirect customer to your Magento 2 and have the products added to cart automatically. This is particularly useful for marketing campaigns, promotions and discounted products, conversion rates optimizations and speeding up checkout process.

This is not supported by Magento 2 natively and therefore we have created this amazing Add to Cart from link extension for Magento 2 that does the job perfectly. It is designed to not only add products to cart by also support the following features:


1. Add single product to cart

You can generate a simple URL as follows:, if clicked, the user will be redirected to your Magento 2 store and if a product with SKU equal to T-SHIRT exists, it will be added to cart automatically. Depending on selected options customer will see the cart or will get redirected to checkout.


2. Add multiple products to cart via single link

You can generate a simple URL as follows:,HAT, in this case the 'product' parameter contains a comma-separated products SKU (stock keeping unit) which will all get added to cart automatcally


3. Add multiple products to cart via single link and specify desired quantities.

It is possible to specify what quantity will get added to cart by adding a 'qty' parameter.,HAT&qty=2,5 In this case, the extension will add 2 products in cart with SKU as follows T-SHIRT and HAT, and T-SHIRT will be added with quantity of 2 and HAT will have quantity of 5. The 'qty' parameter is a comma-separated value containing the desired quantities


4. Add multiple products to cart and apply a DISCOUNT via COUPON code automatically

You can combine multiple actions with single link. The extension will not only add desired products to cart but will also apply a discount depending on a coupon code included in the URL. An example URL would look like this: http://247.mage/direct/index/add/?coupon=GIFT-WSH-47952&product=T-SHIRT

If clicked, the URL will add T-SHIRT to customers cart and apply a discount via coupon code GIFT-WSH. This parameter can be passed to URL with multiple products and quantities.


5. Add custom text in cart assigned to added product

In some situations you'd like to attach some specific parameters or custom text to specific products in cart. You can pass a text parameter in the URL that will later on appear on cart and also in checkout and get displayed in admin panel as well. An example URL would look like this: http://247.mage/direct/index/add/?product=T-SHIRT&transport=FSC+2500

The 'transport' parameter can contain any text, it's correctly sanitized and accepts only pure text or numbers. This text will appear in cart, checkout and admin view order pages thus making it present at all times for both customer and store owner. It is particularly usefull for passing additional read-only parameters for the product such as campaign, or specific measurement requirements or custom requirements.

All these links can be generated either manually or via easy-to-use Mass action menus in the product grid in Magento 2 admin panel. We have also included a 'copy to clipboard' feature to speed up the process.

If you like these features added to your store, check our amazing Magento 2 Direct add to cart from external link extension for Magento 2.

Extensions for Magento

Anowave is an extension developer for Magento 1.x and Magento 2.x platforms. We provide a wide range of premium extensions for our in-house and public clients. The extensions we offer extend the capabilities of Magento and provide bespoke functionality. They also fill some gaps in the functionality provided by the base platform and help customers choose Magento as their preferred eCommerce platform.

The extensions we offer are part of our full-range Magento service, which also includes a Premium Helpdesk where customers can speak with actual software engineers and have their issues resolved without hassle. Premium-labeled modules also include free installation, configuration, testing, etc.